Instead of only focusing on the tenure for which the best interest rate is available, investors should also focus on their own investment horizon.
The advantage of leasing is that you can get a new car every few years. You can also get to drive a high-end car without paying its entire price.
Did you know that an individual can, in addition to the tax benefits she/he is entitled to, also leverage the benefits available to family members to reduce this liability?
Salaried persons whose liability is fully deducted as tax deducted at source by their employer need not worry about advance tax payments, unless they have other sources of taxable income.
There are millions of Indian women who avoid the responsibility of managing their finances due to a variety of reasons, including cultural and social conditioning.
NPS is a cost-effective instrument with low fund management and other fees. Unlike in mutual funds, investors get the benefit of tax-free rebalancing here.
'The number of leave accumulated sometimes goes up to 300.' 'The encashed amount is equivalent to almost 10 months' salary.'
'If a taxpayer opts for the new tax regime once, he can only switch back to the old tax regime once in his lifetime.'
Several changes were made to the new income-tax regime in Budget 2023. The old income-tax regime was not tinkered with and is still available.
Don't download a rent agreement from the Internet or sign blindly on one prepared by the broker.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget for 2023-24 in Parliament on February 1. The Budget is a statement of the government's estimated receipts and expenditures for a fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). It's divided into Revenue and Capital Budget. The Revenue Budget includes the government's revenue receipts and expenditures while the Capital Budget includes its capital receipts and payments.
'Many non-resident taxpayers faced issues in filing Form 10F since the portal didn't allow those who didn't have PAN to file the form.'
'If you wish to make a big-ticket purchase on EMI without having to pay additional charges, no-cost EMI would be the right choice for you.'
The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) new rules for credit and debit cards came into effect from October 1. These include tokenisation, one-time password (OTP) for activation after 30 days, written permission for enhancement of credit limit, and greater clarity on interest calculation.
September 15 is the deadline for paying the second instalment of advance tax. This is income-tax (I-T) taxpayers need to pay every quarter, instead of a lump sum at the end of the year. Ashutosh K Srivastava, senior associate, SKV Law Offices, says, "The tax has to be usually paid when income is earned. "Nonetheless, according to the I-T Act, the taxpayer has to estimate his income for the entire financial year. Based on that, he/she pays tax at specific intervals."
If an ITR is not filed or the tax due is not paid on the deceased person's behalf, there can be penal consequences.
The Income-Tax (I-T) Department nowadays provides pre-filled forms to make the filing of income-tax return (ITR) easier. Nonetheless, you must have a number of documents handy at the time of filing return so that you can cross-check the data in the pre-filled form. "Filing ITR doesn't require you to upload any document. But in case an assessing officer makes an inquiry, you will need to present documents and certificates as proof," says Deepak Jain, chief executive,
Attention to details is paramount when filing income-tax return (ITR). By mid-June, employees receive Form 16 from their employers. The first step in filing ITR is to compare Form 26AS with Form 16. If there are discrepancies in the figures quoted in the two documents, they need to be rectified.
The Supreme Court (SC) recently declared that a Hindu father or the manager of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) has the power to make a gift of ancestral property for a 'pious purpose', but such an alienation can't be permitted 'out of love and affection'. A petitioner had filed a suit against his father and another person called KC Laxmana for partition and separate possession of his one-third share in the property, and for a declaration that the gift or settlement deed executed by his father in favour of the second defendant, KC Laxmana, be declared null and void. Bharat Chugh, former judge and advocate, says, "The plaintiff argued that the property belonged to the joint family (of which Laxmana was not a part), and transfer of property without his consent was not valid." The SC ruled that gifting out of natural love and affection cannot be interpreted as 'pious purpose'.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced new rules for credit cards, applicable from July 1. "These directions cover the general and conduct regulations relating to credit, debit and co-branded cards which shall be read along with prudential, payment and technology & cyber security related directions applicable to credit, debit and co-branded cards, as issued by the Reserve Bank," the circular by RBI said. Business Standard culled out key rules from the list, and asked financial experts for advice on them, along with the thumb rules one needs to follow while using credit cards.